Cookies Policy

Basic Information on Data Protection
Purpose: Management of personal data necessary to provide the requested services or products. ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL will process the data to carry out administrative, accounting, and tax management, as well as to send commercial communications about our products and services. Sending communications related to the commercial relationship with our client and the provision of supplied services, the shipment of products through third parties. Purposes related to the use of our social networks. At ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL we need to access the data of your computerized medical history from the Navarre Health Service to better attend to you and in the interest of better diagnosis and medical treatment. Therefore, we request your express consent so that the doctor can access the data of your computerized medical history from the Navarre Health Service. This consent will be granted by the patient or their guardians or legal representatives.
Legitimization: · Execution of a service provision contract that the User has contracted, from the moment of the client's registration. · The express consent granted by the interested party, user, and in their case, the holders of parental authority or legal guardian, in relation to those purposes for which it is requested, specifically the treatments related to: accessing the patient's medical history, publication of images and videos in corporate media such as the website, mobile application, social networks, magazines, newsletters, sending newsletters and magazines with content unrelated to the Center, transfer of data to third parties, processing of health data and special categories.
  • Compliance with legal obligations
  • Legitimate interest of the responsible party or third-party
Recipients: Data transfers are foreseen to: Public Administration with competence in the matter; GOVERNMENT OF NAVARRE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH (OSASUNBIDEA); Persons and organizations related to the data controller. The recipients of the information are third-party data processors who provide their services to ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL, with whom the corresponding agreement has been signed that guarantees compliance with the GDPR and adequate security measures.
Rights: You have the right to access, rectify, and delete the data, as well as other rights, indicated in the additional information, which you can exercise by contacting ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL at Camino de Esquiroz 6, of. 9, 31190, Cizur, Navarra or by email at, properly identifying yourself and indicating explicitly the specific right you wish to exercise.
Source: From the interested party, or legal guardians, Navarre Health Service (Osasumbidea)
Additional Information: Request it at the clinic located at Camino de Esquiroz 6, of. 9, 31190, Cizur, Navarra

  If our data protection policy needs to change as a result of legislative changes or criteria issued by the Data Protection Agency, you will be duly informed of any necessary variations to comply with the law. Who is responsible for processing your data? Identity: ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL - NIF: B31298334 Postal address: Camino de Esquiroz 6, of. 9, 31190, Cizur, Navarra Phone: 948856025 Email: Data Protection Officer (DPO): Prodana Consultores s.l. Contact DPO: Polígono Mutilva Baja Calle E, No.9 1st floor, 31192 Mutilva Navarra Spain Purpose of data processing: At ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL we process the information provided by interested parties to contact the Owners to provide information on health service provision; dissemination of scientific information and technological updates in the Residence, provide assistance and treatments in the Residence, send communications that we consider may be useful regarding new treatments or our products and services. In addition to using it to process, confirm, and fulfill the operation of the Residence or any other service requested by the Owner, the Residence may use this information for administrative and analytical purposes, such as information system administration, billing, accounting, and audits, commercial relationship management, payment processing and verification, correspondence from our User Service area, and/or for the operation of promotional programs that may be implemented. Sending communications that we consider may be useful regarding new treatments, reservations, and prior appointments, and information about our products and services. At ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL we need to access your computerized medical history from the Navarre Health Service to better attend to you and in the interest of better diagnosis and medical treatment during the consultation and/or admission to the Residence. Therefore, we request your express consent for the doctor to access the data of your computerized medical history from the Navarre Health Service. This consent will be granted by the patient or their guardians or legal representatives. How long will we keep your data? Personal data related to administrative and tax management will be kept within the compliance period of legal obligations (minimum 5 years). Other personal data will be kept as long as the relationship with the client is maintained and the client does not exercise their rights of Deletion, Revocation, or Limitation of processing. What is the legitimization for processing your data? We indicate the legal basis for processing your data:

  • Execution of a contract: Execution of a service provision contract


  • Consent of the interested party: The express consent granted by the interested party, user, and in their case, the holders of parental authority or legal guardian, in relation to those purposes for which it is requested, specifically treatments related to: publication of images and videos in corporate media such as the website, mobile application, social networks, magazines, newsletters, sending newsletters and magazines with content unrelated to the Center, transfer of data to third parties, processing of health data and special categories
  • Legitimate interest of the responsible party: Purposes related to the provision, assistance, and communication about the contracted/supplied services or products: purchase, customer service, return, transfer to third parties for transport and delivery, offer management to customers, communications with the customer in relation to the service, complaints and claims, transfer of data to third parties for the provision of services and the coordination of activities ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL
  • Compliance with legal obligations: Administrative, accounting, and tax management; Communications with the customer; transfer of data to third companies related to the Data Controller for purposes related to this legitimate interest.

  To whom will your data be communicated? The data will be communicated to the following recipients:

  • Public administration with competence in the corresponding matter, for the purpose of compliance with legal obligations.
  • Persons and organizations related to the data controller, for the purpose of providing external services to the company such as: consultancy, IT, consultants, auditors, insurance, occupational risk prevention, lawyers, and other external service providers...
  • Financial entities for the purpose of economic transactions.
  • Navarre Health Service (Osasumbidea)
  • The recipients of the information are third-party data processors who provide their services to ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL with whom the corresponding agreement has been signed that guarantees compliance with the GDPR and adequate security measures

  Will data transfers to third countries be made? Data transfers to third countries are not foreseen. What are your rights when you provide us with your data? Anyone has the right to obtain confirmation on whether ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL is processing personal data concerning them or not. Interested persons have the right to access their personal data, as well as to request the rectification of inaccurate data or, where appropriate, request its deletion when, among other reasons, the data is no longer necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. In certain circumstances, interested parties may request the limitation of the processing of their data, in which case we will only keep them for the exercise or defense of claims. In certain circumstances and for reasons related to their particular situation, interested parties may object to the processing of their data. In this case, ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL will stop processing the data, except for compelling legitimate reasons, or the exercise or defense of possible claims. You can exercise your rights in the following way: You have the right to access, rectify, and delete the data, as well as other rights, indicated in the additional information, which you can exercise by contacting the Residence ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL at Camino de Esquiroz 6, of. 9, 31190, Cizur, Navarra or by email at, properly identifying yourself and indicating explicitly the specific right you wish to exercise. If you have given your consent for a specific purpose, you have the right to withdraw the consent given at any time, without affecting the legality of the treatment based on the consent prior to its withdrawal. If you feel that your rights regarding the protection of your personal data have been violated, especially when you have not obtained satisfaction in the exercise of your rights, you can file a complaint with the Data Protection Authority competent through its website: What rights do you have? To know if we are processing your data or not. To access your personal data. To request the rectification of your data if they are inaccurate. To request the deletion of your data if they are no longer necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or if you withdraw the consent given. To request the limitation of the processing of your data, in some cases, in which case we will only keep them according to the current regulations. To port your data, which will be provided in a structured, commonly used, or machine-readable format. If you prefer, we can send them to the new responsible party you designate. This is only valid in certain cases. To file a complaint with the Spanish Data Protection Agency if you believe we have not addressed your request correctly. To withdraw consent for any treatment for which you have consented, at any time. If you change any data, we appreciate you informing us to keep them updated. Do you want a form for the exercise of Rights? We have forms for the exercise of your rights, request them by email or if you prefer, you can use those prepared by the Spanish Data Protection Agency or third parties. These forms must be signed electronically or accompanied by a photocopy of the DNI. If someone represents you, you must attach a copy of their DNI, or have it signed with their electronic signature. Forms can be submitted in person, sent by mail, or by email to the address of the Responsible party at the beginning of this text. How long will it take to respond to the Exercise of Rights? It depends on the right, but at most within one month from your request, and two months if the issue is very complex and we notify you that we need more time. How have we obtained your data? The personal data we process at ASESORIA DE BARRERAS ARQUITECTONICAS ASBAR SL comes from the interested party, legal guardians, or the Navarre Health Service (Osasumbidea). The categories of data processed are: ▪ Identification data ▪ Health data ▪ Medical history. ▪ Images ▪ Postal and electronic addresses ▪ Economic data The following categories of special data are processed: Health data, Ethnic or racial origin, Genetic data, Biometric data, Sexual life or sexual orientations.

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